  1.  9
    Nine Modern Moralists. [REVIEW]F. L. P. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):586-586.
    The first part of this book contains essays on Dostoevski's Christian insights, Marxism compared to Christianity as a religion, and the Christian significance of Sartre's "ontological" interpretation of sexuality. A second group of essays develops the author's concern with Christian social ethics and modern interpretations of the concept of natural law, in the writings of Brunner, Cahn, Maritain, Tillich, H. R. Niebuhr, and Reinhold Niebuhr. Ramsey's treatment of these writers is generally sympathetic and sensitive.--P. F. L.
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  2.  22
    Perspectives on Peirce. [REVIEW]F. L. P. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):608-609.
    Five essays on various aspects of Peirce's philosophy, first delivered as a series of lectures at Yale University, plus a brief biography of Peirce by Paul Weiss. The essays are: "Charles S. Peirce as an American," by Rulon Wells, "Notes Toward a Logic of Discovery," by N. R. Hanson, "Action, Conduct, and Self-Control," by R. J. Bernstein, "Community and Reality," by J. E. Smith, and "Charles S. Peirce, Philosopher," by Paul Weiss. Several of these essays contain concise, perceptive summaries and (...)
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  3.  43
    Readings in Twentieth Century Philosophy. [REVIEW]F. L. P. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):487-487.
    Selections representing a wide range of 20th century thought, in a book intended primarily for introductory courses in contemporary philosophy. Individual selections are generally well chosen. The short editorial commentaries on the various thinkers and positions are both fair and perceptive.--P. F. L.
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  4.  43
    The Concept of Matter. [REVIEW]F. L. P. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (2):388-389.
    This book contains twenty-seven essays prepared for a 1961 conference at Notre Dame, and also includes comments on several of the papers by participants of the conference. The essays trace the concept of matter from its origin in Greek and Medieval philosophy through its function in seventeenth-century science to its current scientific and philosophical status. The essays can stand by themselves, in some cases as useful historical surveys, in other cases as presentations of new ideas or defenses of current viewpoints. (...)
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  5.  23
    Utopian Essays and Practical Proposals. [REVIEW]F. L. P. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):368-368.
    The topic of the essays in this rather miscellaneous collection range from the nature of post-Christian man to the possibility of banning cars from Manhattan. Most of these essays are not "philosophical" in a technical sense, but there emerges from them a definite philosophical viewpoint, one which shows the influence of pragmatic, existential, and psychoanalytic ideas. Goodman's particular concern is with the relation of the individual to society, and particularly with the problems of meaningful individual action within the context of (...)
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  6.  18
    Understanding Whitehead. [REVIEW]F. L. P. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):583-583.
    The heart of this book is an extended account of Whitehead's philosophical development, in which Lowe argues persuasively that many of the ideas which appear in Whitehead's metaphysical writings are prefigured in the work of Whitehead the mathematician and philosopher of science. The discussion of the way in which a peculiarly mathematical insight into the structure of the universe can be traced even in the late metaphysical works is especially illuminating. Also included is a brief summary of Whitehead's developed philosophy (...)
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